Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the purpose of this website?
  2. How do I register my school?
  3. Teacher Code?
  4. Student registration?
  5. Technical requirements?
1. What is the purpose of this website?
This website is to be used for educational purposes only. If you would like more information about the CSC Study program please contact us.
2. How do I register my school?
If your school is not currently registered with us and you are interested in accessing the CSC Study program please make a request to register your school.
3. Where do I get a Teacher Code and how do I register as a teacher?
To register as a teacher you will need the 'Teacher Code'. When the school has been registered, the Teacher Code is provided to the school's primary contact. For further details, you can view the guide here. You can register as a teacher here.
4. Where do I get a Student Code and how do I register as a student?
To register as a student you will need to ask your teacher for the 'Student Code'. For further details, you can view the guide here. When you have the Student Code you can register here.
5. What are the technical requirements to run this study online?
To use all of the features available online you will need to make sure you have met the requirements of the website.